Describing palaeoecology

This session introduces palaeoecology, and explores how it is controlled by the environment. You will learn how to:

Trophic structure

The trophic structure of an ecosystem describes the flow of resources from primary producers to higher levels of the food chain. Primary producers mark the bottom of the trophic pyramid. As a means of generating biomass, eating is around 10% efficient; as such, higher levels of the trophic pyramid represent progressively rarer components of living communities.

Primary productivity is the primary source of organic matter, and by far its most abundant form is photosynthesis. Photosynthetic organisms dwell in the photic zone, the depth to which light penetrates – up to 200 metres in crystal-clear water, but substantially less (50 m?) when water is turbid (i.e. cloudy).

Phytoplankton blooms swirl around the magnificant Silurian rocks of Gotland

Here are some questions to help you develop your understanding. The video won’t give you the answers, but should teach you enough that you can attempt an intelligent answer.

  • Don’t worry about being 'right': instead, develop a reasoned argument that shows that your answer is sensible, based on the knowledge that you have to hand.
  • How might the presence of photosynthesizers in a fossil assemblage help you to interpret water depth?
  • What are the primary photosynthesizers in marine communities?
  • What would you expect the biomass pyramid of a fossil assemblage to look like?
  • Think carefully about each question, and write your answer down, before clicking on the question to reveal its answer.
  • Note any questions you'd like to discuss further in the Q & A session.
Don’t let this sloth confuse you.  Terrestrial ecosystems are weird.


If producers are at the base of the trophic pyramid, let’s work our way up. Primary consumers feed on primary producers, moving the resources fixed by the primary producers into the next tier of the trophic pyramid.

What primary consumers eat

In terrestrial ecosystems, typical occupants of the higher levels of the trophic pyramid are herbivores (on level two) and carnivores (whether active predators or scavengers). Marine ecosystems differ from terrestrial ones in that there is an abundance of food available in the form of suspended organic matter: these particles include phytoplankton (autotrophic micro-organisms that are typically photosynthetic and often unicellular), zooplankton (heterotrophic animals such as krill that feed on phytoplankton), and faecal pellets that rapidly transport organic matter to the sea floor.

The fate of these particles, as with any other sedimentary particle, depends on the energy levels at the sea floor. In high energy environments, the particles will typically be suspended in the seawater as waves and currents churn them up; in low energy environments, the particles will settle on the sea bed and eventually be buried.

As such, suspension feeders – which feed on particles in suspension – will be more abundant in high-energy environments, whereas deposit feeders – which extract organic material (particles and the bacteria that degrade them) from the mud of the sea bed – tend to proliferate low energy environments.

Where primary consumers live

The proportion of infaunal consumers may reflect oxygen levels within the sediment, but is particularly vulnerable to distortion by preservational processes. (Why might this be? You should think about this again after the Taphonomy session).

The nature and abundance of epifaunal consumers may reflect the firmness of the substrate – soupy sediment lacks attachment points and can only be colonized by ‘floating’ taxa (icebergs / snow shoes).


Hopefully you are starting to see how the observed abundance of organisms in different sediment niches can be used to infer the environment. Let’s put this to the test!

  • A community contains many suspension feeders, and few deposit feeders. Is it more likely to live in:
  • The quiet, still waters of a tropical lagoon
  • The turbulent waters of a tidal, storm-ridden basin
  • A community lives in a setting that periodically experiences low oxygen conditions. Are its consumers likely to be:
  • Infaunal
  • Epifaunal
  • A community lives below storm wave base on the continental slope. Is it likely to be dominated by:
  • Suspension feeders
  • Deposit feeders
  • A community contains many epifaunal individuals, but few infaunal. Is it more likely to inhabit:
  • A rocky foreshore
  • A sandy beach
Scott et al. 1978, Lethaia.

Trophic guilds and ternary plots

We can be a bit more systematic about linking ecosystems to their environments by analysing the proportions of an assemblage that exhibit certain feeding habits or substrate niches.

In view of the environmental constraints listed above, different proportions of suspension feeders, deposit feeders (detritovores) and predators correspond to different depositional environments. Further resolution can be obtained by subdividing suspension feeders according to whether they are epifaunal and infaunal, which provides some indication of the nature of the underlying sediment.

Ideally, such a plot should be based on a survey of the total biomass within a community, rather than the number of individuals or taxa – otherwise small taxa will contribute disproportionately to the count. Given the difficulties in precisely estimating biomass, a community can be crudely characterized by its trophic nucleus: the species that make up 80% of the community as a whole. As communities are typically dominated by a few taxa, the trophic nucleus may only include three or four separate species that give a good reflection of the depositional environment.

  • Don’t worry yet if you’re struggling to take all this in; we’ll cover ternary plots and their interpretation at a gentler pace in the synchronous session.
Zooplankton predators and Phytoplankton diversity

Predators and Diversity

The upper layers of our trophic pyramid comprise the predators; predator diversity is closely linked to the overall diversity of an assemblage (and you may wish to ponder when it might be appropriate to measure one of these rather than the other).

Controls on diversity

Diversity itself is controlled by a number of factors. A fundamental control is the evenness of the environment: a varied habitat will contain multiple different niches, which different species will be differentially adapted to. Note that diversity itself can increase the variedness of an environment: the arrival of a number of clams might offer opportunities for encrusting or predatory taxa, and may provide shelter for yet other taxa.

On the whole, comfortable environments give rise to high diversity. Fewer taxa can survive in stressed environments, such as brackish water (a mixture of freshwater and sea water, found for example in estuarine environments) or dysoxic conditions, reducing total diversity. In contrast, areas that are high in resources tend to be associated with higher diversity. Diversity tends to peak at low latitudes: one reason being that higher temperatures improve primary productivity (i.e. more resources), another being the creation of a long temperature gradient between warm surface waters and cool deep waters, making for a more varied environment. Diversity also changes during ecological succession: more on this next time.


  • All else being equal, which is likely to contain a higher proportion of predatory species:
  • A community of 12 species
  • A community of a thousand species
  • Neither – there’s no reason for one to have a higher proportion of predators
  • Given the differences in the number of species between the assemblages above, the "all else being equal" claim is pretty unlikely. How are the environments of the two assemblages likely to differ?
  • Which of the two communities below is likely to have a higher diversity?
  • A community where most taxa are generalists
  • A community where most taxa are specialists


Well done: you’ve made it through the first set of preparatory materials.

Our face-to-face session will include a question and answer session. Use the "Ask" button to propose questions or topics on which we should spend more time. Give questions you'd like covered the "thumbs up".

Suggestions for further reading

  • Wignall PB. 1993. Distinguishing between oxygen and substrate control in fossil benthic assemblages. Journal of the Geological Society 150: 193–196.
  • Scott R.W. 1978. Approaches to trophic analysis of paleocommunities. Lethaia. 11:1–14.
  • Dodd, Palaeoecology–Concepts and Applications, Chapter 9.